My Blends
The base of all my blends are 3 types of Organic Tobacco Leaf: Canadian Flue (Light), American Flue (Medium), and Burley (Robust). Please see My Process page for how I make tobacco.
- Hummingbird blend: Rose, Rosemary*, Sage*, Lavender, and Damiana
The hummingbird is a balanced blend of flowers, herbs, & tobacco. It feels light and grounded, relaxed and elevating at the same time. - Mother Mary Blend: Rose, Rosemary* and Raspberry Leaf
This Mother Mary Blend came to me earlier in my process when I was calling in a compassion for myself. I was going through a challenging time, and in need of some loving-kindness, self acceptance and compassion. This blend is grounding, nurturing, and allows me to feel at ease in my heart. - Awaken the Dreamer Blend: California Mugwort*, Mint*, Sage*, Rose and Guayusa tea leaf.
The energetics of this blend helps with focus, grounding, and integration. With both mugwort and gauyusa as guardians of the dream realms, this blend is especially helpful to me when i'm working on calling my dreams into this reality and the work of integration.
This blend is NOT to be smoked by or around pregnant women. And not recommended for women on their moontime. Mugwort sends blood to the uterine lining, so can exacerbate cramping, especially during the first 3 days of the cycle.
Each of these blends carry their own specific medicine. What I may experience and receive from them may be completely different from your experience. A good way to begin working with these blends, is to roll a tobacco and simply ask to receive the medicine of the tobacco and plants. This is a simple start to cultivating a relationship with them in a deeper way.
The ratios of tobacco to herbs are about 60-70% tobacco and 30-40% herbs/flowers.
*lovingly grown organically & harvested from my garden